Executive Board

While ministry is exciting, an effective ministry requires administrative leadership. The GLC Executive Board is in place to assure that the many ministries of the Great Lakes Conference are done with integrity and in Christian character. The board is pleased to commit to the oversight of the Biblical Mandate of Acts 20:28 “Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be Shepherds of the Church of God.” The Board is responsible to administrate the operations and functions of the Conference, and is accountable to and reports to the GLC as it meets in annual or special sessions. The Board abides by and supports the Code of Regulations and By-Laws of the Conference and such other policies, directions and regulations properly adopted by the Conference in session. Summarizations of the board’s responsibilities include administration, ministry direction, financial matters and budgeting. The Board also provides oversight of all commissions, agencies and organizations of the GLC. It is also responsible for oversight of legal issues, employment, and administration of all conference matters between conference sessions. Officers and members of the board include the President, Vice-President, Secretary, five (5), Members-at-Large, and the Chairperson of each of the five (5) Commissions. The Regional Conference Director and Financial Controller are advisory members of the Executive Board. Membership is described in more detail in Article IV, Section 2 of the GLC Code of Regulations. The board’s whole responsibility, structure, and operating procedures are described in Article V of the Code of Regulations.



Pastor Bob Fall

[email protected]

8360 W. Monroe Road, Elwell, MI 48832

Ph: (989) 737-3927